Setup 2: Fragile Strength, Mark of Pride, Longnail, Soul Catcher, Shaman Stone. If you somehow reached the left corner before he died, double jump and repeat until he dies.
When he walks into you, hit and go just a little bit backwards. When he jumps at you, shadow dash the other direction. Setup 1: Mark of Pride, Quick Slash, Longnail, Heavy Blow, Fragile Strength. Overall, the only change in this fight is her attack and movement speed, which shouldn’t be a problem. Worth noticing that beams from Grubbefly’s Elegy doesn’t push her spike balls. Like with False Knight, if you can’t beat her Greenpath version, you shouldn’t be reading this. Play carefully, don’t forget that her needle comes back, and git gud.
Not much to say about the bossfight itself. Setup: Shaman Stone, Fragile Strength, Mark of Pride OR Grubbefly’s Elegy, Sprintmaster, Quick Slash. When he goes in the middle, strike him repeatedly. Don’t stay very close to him and slash via nail, use double jump to dodge shockwaves and dash left (if he stands at the right part of the map) from any other attack.